3 Ways Your Packing Is Making Your Move Harder

Posted on: 8 April 2016

At first glance, packing seems like the easiest part of your move. Just throw your stuff in a box, label it, and put it on the truck. Unfortunately, the way most people pack their belongings could actually be making the moving process harder. Here are three common packing faux pas and what you should be doing instead.

Packing for the Home You're Leaving

Possibly the most common mistake people make when packing for a move is boxing up their possessions based on the home they're leaving. All the living room stuff goes in living room boxes, bedroom stuff in bedroom boxes, and so on and so forth. This isn't necessarily bad. After all, most homes are generally laid out in the same way. However, it's much better to pack based on the home you're moving to, especially if that home is significantly bigger or smaller than the one you're in now.

There are multiple benefits to doing this. It'll make your move a lot more organized since each box will go to the designated room rather than be dumped in one place to be sorted later. You'll also likely unpack faster because you won't have to make as many decisions about what items go where in your new home since you made those decisions beforehand.

Lastly, you'll have a better idea of what you should keep and what should be sold, given away, or put in storage. For instance, if you know there isn't any room in your new kitchen for all of your pots, pans, dishes, and assorted small appliances, you can cut your collection to a more manageable level before the move.

Not Setting Aside the Essentials

Another thing that many people do when boxing up their belongings is not planning for the first week in their new homes. You're going to need access to the essentials when you get to your new home; otherwise you may not be able to take a shower, cook, or get the kids off to school because all of the items you need are buried in boxes or bags.

Unless you plan on unpacking everything the same day as or next day after your move, it's a good idea to pack a box with the essentials you need to get you through the first week. For instance, place shower curtains, towels, a pot and pan, paper plates and plastic ware, and other necessary items in one box that will be unpacked immediately in the new home. This will ensure you at least have the basics until you can get fully situated.

Labeling Boxes for Burglars

Labeling boxes is a good idea. Not only will you be able to tell what's in the box without opening it, you can ensure the boxes go into the correct rooms in the new home. However, sometimes people put too much information on the boxes that could tip potential burglars there's something valuable in them.

For instance, you probably don't want to list that a box has jewelry in it. If the box gets left in an unsupervised place, someone would be more tempted to walk off with it since it appears there's something of value inside.

Instead, be vague or use code words when labeling your boxes. Better yet, use technology to track what's in your moving boxes. There are moving apps that let you create a digital inventory of a box's contents and put the information on a printable barcode you can scan later with your phone. This option lets you keep track of exactly where your items are while protecting your privacy.

Packing smart can help reduce some of the stress associated with moving. For more packing tips or help moving your belongings, contact a moving company like Bekins Van Lines Inc.
