An Inside Look At Why Location Matters When Buying A Home For A Family

Posted on: 11 August 2017

Buying a home in a real estate community requires taking some time to investigate many different aspects. One that is vitally crucial is the location of the home and the amenities around it, including the neighbors and the neighborhood. These considerations are especially crucial for a family to understand.

Why Location Matters

When buying a home, most people consider a variety of variables, such as the number of bedrooms it has and other amenities. While location is often a consideration in the back of their mind, some people don't really take into account its vast importance. For example, a person who works downtown is more likely to want a home that is near downtown areas as possible.

However, a family with very young children is likely to want to find a safer and less expensive home in a suburb. High-quality parks and play areas are essential for these families in a way they might not be for a single person. Beyond that, location can even affect the price of a home and drive it out of a person's acceptable budget.

Home Value Can Be Seriously Affected

There are many different variables that influence why location affects a home's value. For example, a safer neighborhood with less crime is typically more expensive because of its location. However, a home that is far from town is often less expensive because of the commute that is necessary to reach it. Other variables, such as the cleanliness of the home, also go into this value.

For example, buying a home next to problematic or aggressive neighbors is often inexpensive because few people want to live there. Likewise, being located next to unwanted areas also affects a home's value. For example, a home built next to a cemetery or a jail is likely to be worth less than one located next to a school or park.

Tips For Finding Good Location

Finding a great location when buying a home for a family takes a careful examination of the neighborhood and the surroundings. For example, it is important to look into crime logs for an area to get a feel for how often serious criminal activity occurs. These logs are often available at police headquarters and are an invaluable research item.

Another good idea is to research the values of the homes in the area and the ways these values of increased or decreased over the years. Positive changes are typically due to improved amenities in the area, such as cleaner air and improved sanitation. Negative changes indicate a neighborhood that is going downhill and which should probably be avoided by a family. Following these guidelines can streamline this real estate process.
