3 Last-Minute Things To Do Before Showing Your Home

Posted on: 13 September 2017

When you place your house on the real estate market, you should make sure your house is ready for people to begin looking at it. While you do not need to keep it perfect at all times, you should make sure you deep-clean every area of the home so that it is easy to touch up before each showing. In addition, there will be last-minute things to do right before your showings, and here are three things you may need to do at the last minute:

Adjust Your Thermostat

One thing you may want to do about an hour before the showing is to adjust your thermostat. If it is currently a hot time of year, make sure your home feels nice and cool when buyers enter inside. If it is cold outside, be sure your home feels warm and cozy when they walk in. If your house is too hot or too cold, it can turn off people that are looking for a house to buy, so make sure it feels very comfortable no matter what time of year it is.

Open Your Window Treatments

A second thing to do just before leaving your home during the showing is to open up all your window treatments. Window treatments are great for privacy purposes and to keep the heat out of a house in the summer, but leaving your curtains closed can create a closed-in feeling.

When you open up all your window treatments, your home will be filled with natural light. Open curtains and blinds also help create a more open concept in a house. One step you should take in advance is cleaning your windows because dirty windows can also turn people off. So, make sure your windows are clean.

Spot-Check Your Entire Home

About an hour or two before your showing, you should go through each room of your home to make sure each room is clean and tidy. This is called spot-checking, and it works great if your home is already relatively clean. As you do this, remove any clutter you see, vacuum up any messes, and clean fingerprints off all mirrors and windows. These last-minute touches can make a house look nicer for those that come to see it.

Preparing for showings is easier if you can keep your house fairly clean most of the time, and this is important because you never know when your agent will call you to schedule a showing. If you have questions, talk to a real estate agent today.   
