Tips For Buying Your Own Deer Hunting Land

Posted on: 30 September 2019

If you love to hunt deer and you're raising your kids to hunt, then having your own land could be a dream. Hunting land is usually a good investment since land gains value over time. You can pass the hunting land down through your future generations so they'll always have familiar land where they can hunt and teach their own kids the sport. Here are some considerations when choosing land to buy for hunting.

Decide How You Want To Use The Land

You can buy acreage only for hunting that's away from the city, or you buy land with the intention of building a cabin to live in during hunting season or to live in permanently. If you plan to live on the land as well, you'll have additional considerations when choosing the right acreage to buy. Also, decide if you'll keep the land private or use it to earn money by letting other hunters use the land. No matter how you'll use the land, location is important so the woods are easy to access.

Buy Land You Know

Buying hunting land in an area you are unfamiliar with is tricky. If you can hunt in the area a few seasons first, you'll know if you want land in a particular location. If you're not familiar with the land, talk to locals or find someone who has hunted in the area for years who can offer advice on the land you're thinking of buying. The land surrounding the acreage for sale is just as important as the condition of the land you buy.

You don't necessarily need a large plot of land to have good hunting luck as long as there are deer and other wildlife thriving in the area surrounding your plot. However, you also don't want to buy land that's just on a deer trail where deer don't stop to eat or sleep.

Study The Land For Wildlife Suitability

Deer and other wildlife need water, food, and shelter to survive, so they look for these things inland to inhabit. Walk the land you're considering and look for lots of brush for animals to hide and sleep in during the day. Also, look for grasses, plants that bear flowers and berries for food, and low-growing shrubs and trees that deer can eat. You can also look for signs of deer trails and other deer activity on the land.

A water source is also helpful, especially if you want a lake or pond for fishing too. However, deer can cover a large territory so as long as your land is next to land with water and food, you could still have good luck hunting if your property has plenty of inviting sleeping and hiding areas.

When you choose good deer hunting land, you'll also be choosing land that supports other types of wildlife you can hunt such as rabbits, ducks, wild turkeys, and squirrels depending on the location of the land and your preferences. Whether you like to hunt for the sport or to be self-reliant, owning your own hunting land gives you the chance to manage the wildlife on your property so you have a food source you can depend on.
