Just Had A Home Offer Accepted? Follow This Checklist Of Essential Things To Do

Posted on: 1 December 2019
There are many steps that are involved in buying a home, which may cause you to feel overwhelmed with what you need to do. Here is a checklist of some of the essential things that should happen after your offer is accepted. Deliver The Earnest Money One of the first things you'll need to do after having an offer accepted is to give the seller your earnest money. This is a small amount of money that you pay towards the home at first to demonstrate that you are serious about buying the home.
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Worried About Buying Your First Older Home? 3 Things An Inspection Can Help With

Posted on: 30 November 2019
Becoming a homeowner may be a dream you've been working towards for years, but it does come with some concerns, especially when you're most interested in buying an older home. You may be looking at older homes to get a better deal on a home with more square footage or simply because you enjoy the character of an older home, Either way, it's a good idea to learn about what you should be looking for to make sure you purchase the best house.
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Three Things to Look for When Purchasing Coastal Property

Posted on: 26 November 2019
Life on the beach can be a relaxing escape, but knowing what to look for when purchasing coastal property is essential. Here are some things to take into consideration when discussing coastal home listings with your real estate agent. Weather Patterns Depending on where your dream home will be situated, you'll need to take weather patterns into account before you buy. Homes that are situated in hurricane zones should feature storm-proof windows and doors.
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Is a HUD Home Right For You?

Posted on: 26 November 2019
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers several programs and opportunities for those who want to own their own homes. One program allows foreclosed homes with previous Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans to be sold at very affordable prices. These homes present an obvious bargain, so buyers will need to take some extra steps beyond what is normally expected to make this work. Read on to find out more about buying a HUD home.
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