Signs That You Can Make Do With A Small House
Posted on:
27 May 2017
One of the questions you have to answer when it's time for you to buy a home is whether to go for a big or small house. Assuming cost isn't the main issue, some people are better suited to big houses while others can live comfortably or should even seek small houses for sale. For example, these four factors mean a small house will be alright for you:
You Have No Plans of Growing Your Family
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Risks Of Submitting Too Low Of An Offer When You're Interested In A House For Sale
Posted on:
27 May 2017
When you find a house for sale that suits your needs but the listing price is more than you want to spend, one approach is to submit a low offer. Doing so can work out — for example, if the current owner is highly motivated to sell, you may be pleased to have your offer accepted. However, an offer that is extremely low is generally a bad idea for a number of reasons.
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Factors That Determine How Much Home You Can Afford
Posted on:
27 May 2017
If you are on the market for a home, you should know that these four are some of the factors that will determine the size of the property you can afford:
Your Income
This, simply, is one of the fundamental questions that determine the maximum price you should fork out for a house. Even if you have a sizable down payment (maybe you have been a frugal saver for long) or you have somehow convinced the bank to advance you a big loan, you shouldn't buy a house that your earnings can't afford.
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First-Time Homebuyers: Should You Choose An FHA Mortgage?
Posted on:
19 May 2017
If you are about to buy your first home, you have a big decision to make. Should you go with a conventional mortgage, or should you apply for an FHA mortgage: a government-backed mortgage created for first-time homebuyers just like you? While FHA mortgages do have many advantages for first-time homebuyers, they are not the right choice for everyone. Read up on these pros and cons to decide whether an FHA mortgage is right for you.
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